搜索 Bauer

  • Tre Manchester的处女座 自编自导 A family is torn apart as a result of lengthy absences and bad choices. A man is accused of being guilty, which results in him being named a fugitive. The man's son makes a decision to find his father and bring h…
  • 在德国最著名的夏里特医院 (Charité), 一代又一代医学家和医护人员不单亲目睹证了医学的发展,更是亲自履历了二战的开端与竣事,以及其间实施的优生政策。
  • 1989年,在柏林墙开放之前,Jenny离家出走,预备往东柏林找本人的男朋友。其怙恃发明后,决定拿出一百万马克的赏金来奖给将Jenny带回来的人。因此各路人马就如许待遇财死的纷繁出动。最初在柏林墙开放的前夕,Jenny,其怙恃和来自列国的赏金猎人们在东柏林开端了东德最强烈热闹的汽车拉力赛。
  • A woman in a traffic jam desperately tries to help another woman she sees in the back of a van hold held by a hand that appears from the dark background of the vehicle.
  • 1989年,在柏林墙开放之前,Jenny离家出走,准备去东柏林找自己的男友。其父母发现后,决定拿出一百万马克的赏金来奖给将Jenny带回来的人。于是各路人马就这样人为财死的纷纷出动。最后在柏林墙开放的前夜,Jenny,其父母和来自各国的赏金猎人们在东柏林开始了东德最热烈的汽车拉力赛。
  • Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current explosion of internet porn-whether they"re creating it, consuming it, or both.
  • Jeff is an ordinary guy that is stuck at a dead end job with a boring life, but when a strange old man gives him an Ancient relic and tells him that he is the last bloodline of H.P. Lovecraft, He and his friend Charlie embark on an adventure to protect the relic piece from falling into the hands of the Starspawn and hi…
  • 罗格于(Ben Wright 配音)和阿尼塔(Lisa Davis 配音)夫妇饲养的大麦町狗庞哥(Rod Taylor 配音)与帕蒂塔(Cate Bauer 配音)喜结良缘,共组成欢乐家庭。没过多久,帕蒂塔生育了十五只小狗。正在一家人享受小狗带来的欢乐之际,阿尼塔的女上司克鲁拉·德维尔(Betty Lou Gerson 配音)打起了坏主意。她正在为制作一件黑白斑点的大衣而发愁,…