搜索 Brikat

  • 朱利安是个任职于跨国石油公司的地质学家,负责勘察油井和研究地质等事务。事情性质致使了他常年累月必要在国外度过,不可陪同在妻儿身旁。妃耦玛丽对于如许的生存厌恶到了极点,即便两人并没有很是剧烈的冲突抵牾,心灵的距离也开端渐行渐远。夫妻二人决定和谈离婚,儿子马泰斯跟妃耦生存。在朱利安一次回国的当天,接到了玛丽的德律风,儿子马…
  • Together with her father, a 17-year-old girl takes care of her mentally and physically severely disabled sister. This is becoming increasingly exhausting, as she has to sacrifice her own life and dreams. Emotions get out of control and love may easily turn into hate. How to live such a life? Is it even possible to find…