搜索 Clare

  • Wealthy Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenly decides to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire), and sends his servant to book passage for a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. When Betsy rejects his sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding without delay th…
  • 小男孩托马斯(卢克·瓦德-维尔金森 Luke Ward-Wilkinson 饰)的父亲(艾略特·考万 Elliot Cowan 饰)因战牺牲,生意没法打理,托马斯的母亲(朱莉·理查德森 Joely Richardson 饰)不可不带他投奔乡下的婶婶,途中托马斯不把稳丢掉 了他的木制神像,很是哀痛,因为那是他和他死往父亲唯一的接洽.后来,他的母亲听说当地有一位木雕手艺很好的…
  • London Road改编自一件产生在2006年的真实事务。在英国静僻的Ipswich小镇持续发了然5名女子被殛毙。而这起常年未破的案件也时刻困扰着住在London Road附近的居平易近。直到租住在79号的Steve Wright被拘系,以谋杀罪告状并科罪后,整个社区掀起了波涛。
  • There's a better life waiting for us. Who Somebody else... Where Somewhere else... Brand New-U is a highly unconventional romantic thriller an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare. It tells the story of a man - SLATER - who pursues the woman he loves - NADIA - through…
  • Polio breaks out in Rio de Janeiro, the serum is in Santiago and there's only one way to get the medicine where it's desperately needed flown in by daring pilots who risk the treacherous weather and forbidding peaks of the Andes.
  • 70年代末,刚刚开放赌场业的大西洋城正处在新旧时代的交替傍边。莎莉在一家合法赌场做女欢迎,并跟随一个法国人进修若何做农户,停整理有朝一日到拉斯维加斯往赚大钱。和莎莉同住在一间公寓里的巴歇尔,如今是老孀妇格蕾丝的情夫和管家,一向暗恋着莎莉。大卫结识了巴歇尔,行使他发卖古柯碱,但很快被黑手党杀了。黑手党没有找到毒品,就来找莎…
  • 年轻的法国姑娘马莉(艾德娜·珀薇安丝 Edna Purviance 饰)同名为约翰(卡尔米勒 Carl Miller 饰)的小伙子相爱了,可是这段感情却遭到了他们的家人的否决。因此,约翰和马莉相约私奔前往巴黎。然而就在商定的那一夜,约翰的父亲不幸身亡,约翰没有可以赴约。马莉以为约翰变了心,在哀痛和疾苦傍边单独一人前往巴黎。  一晃眼数年曩昔,马莉…
  • This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. And here she finds not only a great opportunity for her career, but also a new love with another girl, Anna. They two are very different one poor, the other one is rich, one of them writes music and sings, the other …
  • 剧情片剧情
    和大部分炊庭一样,杰瑞特一家人过着不乱而又安静的生存,卡尔文(唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland)不单是一个事情上矜矜业业的正大律师,同时也将父亲和丈夫的脚色扮演得很是俊拔,和妃耦贝丝(玛丽·泰勒·摩尔 Mary Tyler Moore 饰)成婚二十余载,两人的感情额外不乱。  身为杰瑞特家的大儿子,伯克(Scott Doebler 饰)…
  • 和大部分炊庭一样,杰瑞特一家人过着不乱而又安静的生存,卡尔文(唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland)不单是一个事情上矜矜业业的正大律师,同时也将父亲和丈夫的脚色扮演得很是俊拔,和妃耦贝丝(玛丽·泰勒·摩尔 Mary Tyler Moore 饰)成婚二十余载,两人的感情额外不乱。  身为杰瑞特家的大儿子,伯克(Scott Doebler 饰)…