搜索 Dick

  • 《联邦查询拜访局》是CBS开发的经典型警匪剧,重点在于展示联邦查询拜访局纽约处事处的内部事情布局,为观众们展示局里最高科技、最智能、最周全的破案手段。不少内收留映照实际世界,众多反转带领观众从不同角度明白各类案件,激起深层次思索。
  • 凯莉(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)是著名的乡村音乐歌后,数月后果一次登台不测致使了流产,而不测恰是凯莉本人酗酒过度今后出现精力恍惚而至,是以她被送往了勒戒所,演唱事业也一度障碍。时代她熟悉了一个才华横溢的乡村音乐作曲家比奥(加内特·赫德兰 Garrett Hedlund 饰),温柔漂亮的比奥给了她莫大的劝慰。  为了重振演艺事…
  • 一位年轻的女医师苏珊菲勒,其好同伙因简略的手术而堕进晕厥状况;然而在她办事的医院中,也有许多类似的病人,在经由简略的手术后展现晕厥, 这些病患被送至另一机构集中赐顾帮衬,可是苏珊菲勒发明事情并不如她所想......
  • What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and with a short window of time, officials need to find out where this broadcast is taking place? With all of technology taken…
  • Netflix的这部最新体育题材剧集追踪2023年NASCAR杯季后赛和冠军赛,跟随车手们在赛道上展开角逐,争夺赛车运动中最具传奇色彩的桂冠之一。该剧集将对诸多车手和车队举行大批独家采访,有里安·布莱尼、威廉·拜伦、罗斯·查斯整理、丹尼·哈姆林、布巴·华莱士、凯尔·拉森、克里斯托弗·贝尔、乔伊·洛加诺和泰勒·雷迪克出镜,将车迷带到幕后…
  • 一批特种部队士兵被送往一座活死人佔据的城市履行自杀任务,方针是救出一位把握人类死活环节的科学家。事实他们可否顺利实现任务?人类的将来就看这一战!
  • 安娜·古托(《摄影快乐喜爱者》《汤姆和吸血鬼》)自编自导,报告莎莉(比诺什)是一位卡车司机,为了从一个致命的牢狱团伙手中救出弟弟丹尼斯(格里罗),她被迫私运不法货品。跟着FBI奸细格里克(弗里曼)的追踪,莎莉的动机和知己遭到了应战,她最终发明包裹里是一位少女(芬利)。
  • A team of scientists face dangerous consequences after they conduct a clandestine experiment to breach the quantum barrier and travel to another dimension.
  • When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.
  • Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship, altering their inner chemistry.  Gilded …