搜索 Mieke

  • 马特是一位有影响力的人,也是新生儿朱利叶斯的年轻怙恃,他从他精力错乱的父亲的曩昔中发了然一个阴郁的奥秘。他开端深进查询拜访,成果打开了潘多拉的奥秘盒子,揭开了比预期更多的家庭戏剧。马特的妃耦丽芙(Liv)很是关切他,她会尽一切全力不掉他,但如今太晚了吗
  • 影片报告的琪希(Maryam Zaree 饰)是一位离婚妈妈,为了继续经营母亲的咖啡店,找到了罗伯特(Steffen Groth 饰)伪装成婚,因为只有如许她才可以把母亲留下的对象留存下来。而欺诳所有人,最终婚礼并没有如期举行,似乎老天给她开了一个打趣,在整个哭笑不得的进程傍边,琪希却碰见了属于本人的恋爱。这个时辰,她可以真正成婚了。这是个浪漫…
  • Twelve ordinary people are called for jury duty for a murder case as traumatizing as it is controversial in which a woman stands trial for killing her own blood.
  • Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her…
  • Twelveordinarypeoplearecalledforjurydutyforamurdercaseastraumatizingasitiscontroversialinwhichawomanstandstrialforkillingherownblood.