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  • Genre cinema lends itself to fruitful experimentation and Vourdalak is a prime example, offering ample opportunities for it along with dark, profound chills and a delightful Gothic atmosphere. A father returns from the war to his children (now as a vourdalak), dead yet alive, while simultaneously, an envoy of the King …
  • Abigail Clayton单独一人生存,已将近20年没有分开她的公寓。当她的邻人死亡,侦察Frank Giardello登门拜访展开查询拜访,她原本次序井然的世界开端崩溃。  Abigail Clayton单独一人生存。一小我很是伶仃。实际上,这位女继续人没有分开她的曼哈整理公寓已将近20年。当她年老的邻人死亡促使纽约市差人局凶杀案侦察Frank Giardel…
  • Lisa, a 17 years old girl, throws herself into porn and self pleasures due to stress from her worsening relationship with her recently remarried mother, who is also pressuring her to have a religious conversion.  Her best friend, Sarah, is the only one who knows about her plight. They have a tight relationship, as they…
  • 华金·曼查多坐镇巴塞罗那海港,用铁腕手段统治着他的毒品帝国——直到一批新货搅乱了他的生意和家族。
  • A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceased's apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew, gradually taking over hi…
  • A contemplative retiree, Germain, suddenly finds himself a widower at 75. He doesn’t even have time to catch his breath before his family interferes in his daily life: constant visits and calls, pre-arranged meals... His life becomes timed…
  • 1846年,在苏格兰西海岸一个偏远的岛屿上,一场强风暴袭来,形成一艘船沉没。三名幸存者穿过浓浓的晨雾,丢掉方向,丢掉方向。雾开端清晰,小岛出如今他们眼前。他们很快发明除了四个唯一的居平易近外,它几近被抛弃了:一个老口岸汉子,一个农人,一个侄女和一个年轻的疯女人。安歇和恢复后,船员们不顾一切地分开并返回大陆,但允诺的船从未出…
  • 三位哥们相约来黄金岸沙岸露营度假,本想只过三人六合的时光,不想三人之间的关系被一个主动接近的女人搞得……  这是一部讲兄弟情深胜过男女欢爱的影戏,咱们保举列位观看!  别的,在这儿顺着西语的片名说一下,对于许多直男来说,他们的哥们、或称死党、或称发小,或称基友,或称砚兄砚弟近乎就是没有性关系的女友,有时比弯男们更习惯粘…
  • 故事产生在中古世纪,阿祖尔是个金发碧眼的欧洲贵族,与父亲生存在奢华的宫殿中。与他合营生存的,还有奶妈和她的儿子——黑发、褐色皮肤的阿斯马尔。奶妈悉心赐顾帮衬两个男孩,并且给他们报告仙灵女的童话故事。可是跟着阿祖尔慢慢长大,他父亲把他送到外面接收更专业的教导,并且解雇了奶妈,把她和阿斯马尔赶出了宫殿。  成年后的阿祖尔回…
  • A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist , a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions raised only to realise that truth is rarely pure and never simple.