搜索 Sharma

  • "Roy is the nice guy who finishes last. Sick of his current situation, he accepts an invitation to have Christmas dinner with the beautiful and strangely alluring Emilia. Once at dinner, Roy realizes that Emilia and her oddball brother (Edward) are not what they seem."
  • Tej Dhanraj是一个富家花花公子, 为了继承父亲的遗产他娶了父亲指定的人选Samapreet Kapoor.结婚后,Tej就离开了妻子,返回特立尼达经营生意.朋友Shimmer决定帮助她,Samapreet在乔装易容,去特立尼达寻找自己的丈夫.她教会Shimmer和她的男友一些印度...
  • 性格木讷且沉闷的山瑞德(沙鲁克?可汗 Shahrukh Khan Khan 饰)在电力公司工作,每天过着循规蹈矩的生活,他某日去参加老师女儿的婚礼时对新娘塔阿(安努舒卡?莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰)一见钟情。塔阿的男友在路上死于车祸,令她陷入了巨大的悲伤之中,她的父亲接受不了犯了心脏病,弥留之际将塔阿托付给了山瑞德。他看着自己心爱的人却毫无办法…