搜索 Angulo

  • In a future world ruled by good-looking people, a terrorist group of mutants led by Ramon Yarritu kidnap the daughter of Orujo, a rich businessman, to claim for the rights of the ugly people. Escaping from the police in their spaceship, Ramon try to kill his gang in order to get all the ransom. The trip ends abruptly w…
  • 持久被隔离在曼哈整理下东区的一所公寓内,安古洛兄弟只通过看影戏来体会外面的世界。他们给本人取了绰号“狼群”,兄弟四人会脚色扮演他们喜爱的影戏来消磨时光。道具和服装都是他们本人手工精心建造的。他们的世界因为兄弟其中一人的逃脱而被打破,一切都变了。