搜索 Daragh

  • 丹尼因介进北爱尔兰共和军的活动而被判进狱,在贝尔法斯特的牢狱中服刑14年。出狱后他决心不再介进政治,并且要全力避免因政治形成流血事务。他把本人最熟习的拳击运动作为新生存的出发点,不单本人投身其中,并且还练习一批年轻选手。这时,他又开端面临分隔十几年的恋人,她一向艰苦地扶养着14岁的儿子林恩。丹尼当然想重续前缘,但他曩昔的所…
  • Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain will leave Spain. The Spanish nobility, generals and church will have to be in agreement and bring pressure on the deposed King of Spain to sign a treaty with France. In a French garrison in Spain,…