搜索 KajalAgarwal

  • 《枪》一片2009年拍摄终了,画面惊悚,动作激刺,跟喷鼻港片枪王之王有点类似,欧美影迷称此片为《美国版枪王之王》,除了却合中国版的动作,别的还增长了好莱乌殊效在内部,让影片更生动传神,出格是终局的部份,枪战刺激,喜好动作的同伙不宜错过的好片。
  • 爱情片剧情
    When Harsha a Bike Stunter from Vishakapatnam accidentally meets Indhu discovers his warrior life KALABHAIRAV in his last birth, the remaining story portrays how Indhu and Kalabhairava are connected.
  • Following charges of corruption, Colva"s (Goa) Police Inspector Rakesh Kadam kills himself, leaving a devastated wife, Megha, and son, Nitin. She takes it upon herself to canvas support that her husband was framed by a gangster, Jaykant Shikre, and vainly insists on a CBI Inquiry. When the High Court requires Jayk…