搜索 Kirstie

  • 在一处小镇内,居民正兴高采烈地举行嘉年华会之际,突然一些不知名物体入侵整个小镇。所有居民皆陷入昏迷状态,而一连串神秘的事情也逐一在全镇居民身上发生。很意外地,全镇有十名妇女在这段时间内同时怀孕,诞下的婴儿竟全部都是凶杀暴戾的邪恶化身。在此时官方委派的一名精神科医生阿伦能否及时阻止这场大灾难呢?
  • Look Who's Talking Now is the third and final installment in the film series that began with Look Who's Talking in 1989. Released in 1993, the film finds John Travolta and Kirstie Alley reprising their roles as James and Mollie Ubriacco, respectively, and introducing the newly extended family members to the film.