搜索 Ladislav

  • Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recoun…
  • 金没法信任二心爱的孩子芭芭拉公主已经长大成人。他仍然试图照看公主,可是16岁的芭芭拉在她的生日聚会上发脾性。当所有人都心乱如麻的时辰,王位却被一个桀黠的邮差黄鼠狼抢走了。然而,因为不满足于成为王国的唯一统治者,他还筹算嫁给芭芭拉。芭芭拉公主跑出宫殿,发明本人在丛林深处。她碰着了暴徒布吉和他的同伙邪恶的兔子。芭芭拉的干与严…
  • A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man send…
  • 第二次世界大战时代,德国占领苏联大片疆域,预备实验飞弹,攻击莫斯科。苏联飞翔员Grivtsov、副驾驶linkov和无线电操作员卡佳受命伺探敌情,飞机被击落,两位飞翔员被俘。linkov哗变,Grivtsov成功地逃离战俘营。他们如今必需实现作战任务,回到他们赖以生计的故国......
  • 高尔察克(康斯坦丁·哈宾斯基 Konstantin Khabensky 饰)是俄国水兵上将,他有着卓著的将才,批示战舰在一战中屡建军功,并遭到亲王亲自授勋。年轻漂亮,风华正茂,大好前程在他眼前展开,恋爱也天然履约到来,在一次酒会上,高尔察克碰见了艳丽的安娜(Elizaveta Boyarskaya 饰),惋惜她那时已嫁作人妇,但两小我难以粉饰彼此吸引,安娜不吝…
  • Gosha is a trucker; he delivers goods to remote Arctic parts of Yakutia. He is a monopolist and his services are expensive. His greed lures him into making a run without a backup-driver. His truck breaks down in the middle of the road. Gosha is trying to fix it when an accident occurs. Now he is face to face with ruthl…
  • 刻毒的脸孔面目,行进的人群,那一抹抹红色点缀着布拉格街头的严冷,让热和流淌在急忙的交织过往之间。  车站自是拜别伤感之所,身为道桥扳道员的父亲(Vladimír Javorský 饰)抱着儿子拉多(Ladislav Ondrej 饰)穿越在离此外人群傍边,看他们喜乐忧伤死别亲人、死别爱人、死别曾留下萍踪的城市。  父子俩的生存简略朴素,侥幸却从未因家…
  • 阿格涅丝卡·霍兰([糜骨之壤])新片[江湖郎中](Charlatan,暂译)正式开拍,该片由伊凡·特洛伊(Ivan Trojan)、尤拉伊·娄伊(Juraj Loj)主演。影片故事按照草药医生Jan Mikolá?ek的真实故事改编,报告尽管困难重重 ,他照旧毕生努力于照料病人。该片计划于明年2月20日首映。
  • This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off f…
  • This is a brilliant surrealistic film.  But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities.  The contrast between two realities the poor vi…