搜索 Mihailov

  • 身历其境的虚拟世界,让玩家们走火进魔分不清实际与虚拟。为了保护实际社会的安然。当局构造了特别部分“C”负责浅进各个虚拟游戏揭发违法的暴力。史塔斯和艾利克斯是最好电竞审查员,也是游戏中的同伴。某天当局将改组C部分,最好审查员将接任部长大位!为了博得角逐,史塔斯在同事的发起下玩了一款极端拟真的虚拟实境游戏,因为一切太传神了,…
  • In the not-so-distant future the computer game industry reaches its fullest flower. Virtual reality is indistinguishable from real life. The government launches Department C to control the game space. Censors secretly delve into games. Their mission is to take sex and violence beyond the forbidden level. A game that wo…