搜索 Rubenstein

  • 剧情设定在上世纪八十年代,在艳阳高照的夏天,学生们纷繁走出校园介进各类休闲活动。位于中西部地区的净水夏令营是一座概况上看起来风光秀美的夏令营,这里的辅导员们张开双臂欢迎那些前来度夏的年轻人——他们有的在这里找到了人生的初恋,有的履历了人生的初吻,有的……实现了人生的第一次殛毙。  净水夏令营沉睡已久的当代奥秘被叫醒,阴…
  • Elvira, who is the host of a cheap horror movie program finds that she is the heir to an aunt"s mansion in New England. The mansion is the home of some interesting magical items, but her first conflicts come from her attempts to bring some life to the small town, especially to the young people. The adults of the t…