搜索 Shriver

  • 前美军特种兵兰森被美国人张伯伦招聘,带领一支由张伯伦、张伯伦的养女阿妮卡、大学传授萧安以及几个保镖构成的探险队,再危险荒僻罕有的蒙古寻觅一件价值令媛——由金银丝线织成,上面镶嵌着钻石珠宝的唐卡。这个唐卡不单是当地的圣物,并且价值连城。这个价值令媛也让贪婪凶残的前俄罗斯军官朱柯夫垂涎。他一向跟踪着张伯伦等人。探险寻宝的进…
  • Sue Barker presents a documentary looking at the life and career of tennis star Martina Navratilova. They first met on the tennis tour in 1974, so Sue was there throughout the landmarks of Martina's life: defection, coming out and breaking records. In this programme, Martina takes Sue back to Revnice, her home in the C…
  • Sue Barker presents a documentary looking at the life and career of tennis star Martina Navratilova. They first met on the tennis tour in 1974, so Sue was there throughout the landmarks of Martina's life: defection, coming out and breaking records. In this programme, Martina takes Sue back to Revnice, her home in the C…