搜索 SunilShetty

  • 'Blackmail' is a story about a cop (Sunil Shetty) and a criminal (Ajay Devgan). The criminal wants to get even with the cop for having put him behind bars and he does so by kidnapping the cop's kid when he gets out of the jail.
  • 印度的某海上停靠着一艘豪华巨轮,富豪萨格(桑杰•达特 Sanjay Dutt 饰)和加戈特(卡伯•贝迪 Kabir Bedi 饰)正在谈论一条神奇的鲨鱼,在圈养的围栏中,很多人下水就是为了尝试征服鲨鱼的感觉,但是结果却事与愿违。由于富豪身边不乏美女,所以他们要选择新的消遣方式,于是萨格和加戈特选了刺激的拳击运动,约定打一场比赛,结果加戈特败下…