搜索 Vâlcu

  • It is the story of Mugur Calinescu, a Romanian teenager who wrote graffiti messages of protest against the regime of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and was subsequently apprehended, interrogated, and ultimately crushed by the secret police.
  • 影片以18世纪罗马尼亚的地下奥秘构造“兄弟会”为线索,该构造密谋倾覆贵族当局为目标。影片拍摄时期为罗马尼亚共产党在朝时期,对“兄弟会”举行歌颂。那时的罗马尼亚遭到法国大反动的影响,平易近族主义运动兴起。片中的“兄弟会”酝酿策动反动倾覆贵族统治,而黄玫瑰则援助 “兄弟会”与贵族军队作战。影片原本要拍成《007》那样的系列影戏,…
  • It is the story of Mugur Calinescu, a Romanian teenager who wrote graffiti messages of protest against the regime of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and was subsequently apprehended, interrogated, and ultimately crushed by the secret police.