搜索 Winky

  • Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in thi…
  • 受真实犯法案件的启发,这部虚拟的六集电视剧《德国犯法故事:格菲瑟尔特》报告了德国最污名昭著的连环杀手之一——所谓的“酸桶杀手”的故事。上世纪八九十年代初,赖克·多尔曼(Raik Doormann)在本人的核掩体里绑架、熬煎并残忍殛毙女性,这让汉堡地区布满了惧怕。直到内拉·兰根贝克……
  • Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband: their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in th…
  • 天线宝宝”是Ragdool公司与英国BBC签约制作的低幼节目,主要的收视对象是从12个月大到5岁的孩子。它呈现孩子们在游戏中学习、发展的有趣经验。天线宝宝家族由4个可爱的天线宝宝和一个太阳娃娃组成。 四个可爱的天线宝宝生活在宝宝乐园里,每天都发生着许多有趣的故事。他们的故事已经在113个国家被翻译成45种语言,受到全球约十亿儿童的喜爱。
  • 《天线宝宝》有两个元素:一个是“幻想园地”、一个是“真实纪录”。“幻想园地”是指《天线宝宝》的主要场景“神奇岛”,岛上有许多幻想奇观,让孩子有创造力、想像力;四个天线宝宝在神奇岛上玩乐,彼此之间有良好的关系,没有暴力,虽然很多事情都不懂,但是很喜欢学习。天线宝宝们是科技的产物,是幻想的人物,不等同于人类,所以不一定要有…